Invest In Your Future
Baseball Recruiting Corner
Play College Baseball
Let us demystify college recruiting and give you a process that’s been proven to work!
Play Ball!
Guidance from Next Level Ballplayer
The NLB Baseball Recruiting Corner is a program designed for the player (and his parents!) seeking to play baseball in college. We provide a clear path from freshman though senior years to gain the exposure you deserve while avoiding pitfalls along the way.
Your coach isn’t going to just get you into the college of your choice. Don’t sit back and be disappointed – you and your parents are the key to success here.
Navigating the college recruiting process can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. When you know what to do and have a process that helps you to move along a step at a time, you can be successful in identifying the colleges that are a good match for you, your baseball talents, and your academic plans.
You can begin as early as your freshman year to build your target list and to prepare yourself as an attractive prospect for those schools.
Our site is packed with information and tools to enable your search process – measure yourself against performance metrics, learn how to best communicate with coaches, work the checklists for each of your high school years. On top of this, you are guided by an email a week with a task or insight to move your forward in your quest.

Let’s GO!
Start the Process
Our rich set of resources helps you to:
- Gain clarity and direction in what can be a confusing process
- Identify the appropriate level of play for you
- Follow a step-by-step process to prepare both academically and with skill fundamentals
- Access current NCAA rules and regulations
- Understand how scholarships work at different levels
- Match your talents with suitable opportunities
- Learn how to communicate with coaches – including email templates and demo video guidelines
Follow the Steps. Get Real Results.
academics matter
You can be the dream player that a coach is seeking, but if you if you don’t qualify to get into the college academically, you won’ be playing for that team. Learn what you can do to align yourself with a school that’s a good fit for you on all fronts. Be informed about the core courses that the NCAA requires for a student-athlete to be eligible to play – and make sure you have those courses covered.
building skillsetS
We help you to benchmark yourself against players at different levels of college play. The earlier you can do this in your high school years, the more time you have to work on the specific areas that are needed for the qualifying skill set at your position.
proper attitude
What we’ve heard again and again from top tier college coaches is that one of the differentiators they look for is attitude. Learn what they look for from a potential recruit – and what turns them away even when someone has star-level talent.

Great Value
WHY Join?
Ten step process to navigate college recruiting
Videos of top coaches on what they look for
Action checklists for freshman to senior years
What and when to communicate - with proven templates and sample skills videos
Weekly emails with tasks and insights - for freshman through senior years
Coming (after 2020 roster announcements): 2020-2021 position needs
Consistency Matters
Weekly Emails
The recruiting process is a distance race, not a sprint. We’ll keep you on track with weekly messages. Some will highlight the timing for a task on your checklist and talk about ways to accomplish it. Some will give you insight about playing college ball, what to expect and how to prepare yourself.
Strength of Mind
College coaches look for the player who comes to the plate with the maturity and mindset to handle the pressure of college ball.
Strength of Body
A well conditioned athlete not only performs at his peak, he is also less likely to be injured.
Strength of Spirit
Are you an all-for-me ballplayer or are you all about the team, encouraging your fellow players and celebrating their succcess?
what They’re Saying
Member Testimonials
“Next Level Ballplayer is a tremendous resource for the ballplayer who desires to play at the next level. If I was looking for advice or tips on anything from being a better player to the recruiting process, NLB would be the place I’d go.”
“The Baseball Recruiting Corner gets straight to the point on what you need to know to have the best opportunity to get into an excellent college with an excellent baseball program. So I wanted to say thank you for the great information you have given me that will help me get recruited.”
“I found Baseball Recruiting Corner early on in my son’s high school baseball career. It certainly helped me gain knowledge for the upcoming roller coaster ride. My son was drafted by the Orioles two days after his high school graduation in the 8th round. Your recruiting insight gave us valuable things to think about and do. I pray my son will be able to continue to have helpful and caring people in his life so he can keep on going to the next level – MLB. Thank you again!!”
“I wanted to let you know that Josh verbally committed to Wichita State a few weeks ago. He is very excited and it appears to be a great fit (like you always preach!). The BRC was VERY helpful. It provided very practical, understandable do’s and don’ts that helped throughout the process. Thanks!!”
Next Level Ballplayer subscriptions
Rich resources for youth ballplayers from Tball through college
Baseball Recruiting Corner
- For future college ballplayers
- Ten step process
- College selection aids
- Checklists, templates and examples
- Weekly email tasks by HS grade
- College coaches advice videos
- and much more…
- $19/month or one month free with a yearly subscription at $209
Baseball Coaching Academy
- For coaches, parents and players
- Skills instruction for 12 and under
- Skills instruction for 13 through college
- Written content and video illustration
- Drills for every position and skill
- Off the field coaching advice
- and much more…
- $10/month or one month free with a yearly subscription at $110